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our mission . . .

Our mission is to better understand the impact generosity will have on global markets as more than $59 trillion changes hands generationally through the giving, getting and management of a new generation of preeminent generosity.

We celebrate generosity excellence!


Our FOCUS . . .

We focus on key initiatives designed to advance our academic and real-world understanding of how preeminent generosity works best in this rapidly changing market for the greater public good.

Our motivation . . .

We want to share that information as freely and as widely as we possibly might among those who would like to collaborate, too.

Our objectives . . .

These initiatives include, but are not limited, to:


Academic Study Centers

The Generosity Institute is in the early stages of establishing a select network of subject-exclusive academic study centers, primarily in collaboration with universities and colleges.

These networked generosity collaborations are and will be able to access and utilize topic-centered study centers that are designed to dig deep into the core subject matter of their assignments.  The initial centers we are pursuing are:

The Center for Transformational Faith Philanthropy Studies (CTFPS)

The Center for Transformational Health Philanthropy Studies (CTHPS)

The Center for Transformational Political Philanthropy Studies (CTPPS)

The Center for Transformational Rural Health Studies (CTRHS)

The Center for Transformational Sports Philanthropy Studies (CTSPS)

More centers are anticipated after the initial centers are well-established and operating. 


Enterprise Excellence & High Reliability Organizations

Knowing how best to approach preeminent generosity is the combination of art and execution.  Our Enterprise Excellence Program is an intensive analysis of how a charitable enterprise operates currently and how it can transform into a high-reliability organization. 


Publications & White Papers

Our first book, Generosity: Giving, Getting & Managing Generosity Preeminently will be released in 2025.  To learn more about the book's content, please click here.

A few of our current study questions include:

Faith - Is there a better way to fund faith projects through small donations?

Health - Do nonprofit hospitals do enough public good with their tax-exempt status?

Politics - What impact is nonprofit-funded advocacy having on American lawmaking?

Sports - How do sports teams benefit the communities they serve under their charity status?

Seminars & Virtual Training Sessions

Specialized in-depth probing of our most-important generosity topics will be discussed in-person through seminars as well as via on-line training videos or webinars related to particular subjects.  Our first planned seminar will be:

Ensuring the Legacy: Preeminent Generational Giving Through the Ages


Our first videos currently in pre-production include:

There is a Better Way to Give, Get & Manage Philanthropy

Principal Giving & Signature Naming

Program Related Investments & Social Impact Funds

Enterprise Excellence & High Reliability Organizations


Strategic Consulting

Our team is available to help you understand better how these important and vital dynamics in generosity may apply to your charitable initiatives.  You can engage the Generosity Institute in several ways:

One-on-One consulting where we teach you the topic personally.  To learn more, please click here.

Grow It More where we take a more hands-on approach to guiding your charitable efforts. To learn more, please click here.

Come See Us where we come to you for a day or more and help you brainstorm charitable initiatives face-to-face. To learn more, please click here.

Plan for It where we craft an actual plan for you and teach your team how to execute on that plan, quickly, and decisively.  To learn more, please click here.


Translational Research & Public Benefit

The Generosity Institute is helping to inspire several promising research projects that have potential commercial appeal that may also generate measurable public benefit at the same time.

These projects focus on:

Patient safety (The Nightingale Project)

More-friendly green environments (The TechPlay Project)

The two research initiatives, and those that are planned for the future are affiliated with our Generosity Exchange division and its focus on public-private-philanthropy partnerships. All of these Generosity Institute campaigns are and will be seed funded through our Family Office academic anchor program.


To talk to one of our experts on any of the above topics, please let us know through the following link.  We will be happy to help you identify your most productive steps forward in transforming your charitable enterprise for the evolving marketplace.