Hoya Content

Hoya: The Watchmen Waketh is organized in to 20 chapters covering the last 100 days before the 2028 presidential election as well as the first 100 days of the fictional new American presidency. 

Chapter titles and descriptions are as follows:

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A nuclear explosion occurs in Pakistan and is detected by American intelligence assets who think rogue terrorist elements are responsible for the accidental incident.  Little do they know that Jihadists think it the Americans who are responsible instead.  President Jennifer Mason Stone of Ohio summons the three nominees who want to replace her to Washington for an emergency security briefing since this event will undoubtedly impact the upcoming November election.





For only the third credible time in American political history, an independent candidate for President, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and Georgetown University (with the Secret Service Code Name, Hoya) is giving the Democratic and Republican party nominees a run for their money in the race for the White House.   Florida Governor Zack Greyson is the first to land in Washington at Reagan National for the briefing with President Stone, followed by Democratic California Governor Alan Thomas who diverts to Washington Dulles International to one-up the Independent nominee and Republican nominee John Allen Roberts from the great state of New York.



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A hand-held missile is fired at Senator Roberts’ plane as it tracks the Potomac River toward Reagan National Airport setting off a crisis of unprecedented proportions in our nation’s history.  A major political party nominee has been assassinated by global terrorists on American soil.






The assassins are Jihadists from the Middle East, which threatens to set off a series of responses from President Stone and her administration.  Those responses are loaded with unintended consequences.






The candidates for president have already held nine debates before the Roberts assassination takes over the campaign agenda.  Three more debates on foreign policy, domestic politics and a final free-for-all session occur with the Fall events at the center of the controversy – how to do we keep America safe and what will that cost Americans.




collateral damage

Several more attacks follow the assassination on the Potomac River.  London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Riyadh, Moscow, Tokyo and Beijing are rocked by events as well, signaling that the Jihadists are hoping for World War III – a war of religions, not governments.





election day

Despite events, Zack Greyson is elected the 47th president of the United States, the first election of an Independent in American history. The peaceful transition of democratic power is about to be ensured once again.






President-Elect Greyson does not have much time to prepare for the world he is about to inherit from President Stone.  He has a cabinet to form, an Administration to populate, and a potential World War to face down.






inaugurating 47

Because of extreme and extraordinary security issues and Jihadist threats, the United States Secret Service wants, naturally enough, to dramatically change the way the Presidential Inauguration will be held but Greyson will have not part of the plan.  The President-Elect is determined to honor precedent.





sleepless night

On the first evening of his presidency, Zack Greyson has a lot on his mind.  He seeks out the wisdom of quite a few startled subjects before conducting his first full day in the Oval office.






crafting alliances

President Greyson seeks out his Allies in the war on Jihad.  It is a journey that will take him around the globe in an unprecedented move to protect America and forge new, once unlikely alliances.





sinister convoy

Ten pairs of Jihadists prepare to attack our nation’s capital in an unexpected coordinated strike at American democracy and world freedom.






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targeting america

The targets are hit and America is understandably rattled.







"The watchmen waketh"

American political, military and financial might is called into action by the young, untested president as he seeks to gain the upper hand and momentum in responding to the terrorists.






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Camp david

The iconic retreat first used by World War II commanding general Ike Eisenhower when he was President is the site of an unparalleled gathering of American brainpower as the United States prepares to tackle its greatest foreign policy challenge since the Revolutionary War in 1776 and the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.





proportional response

The President plans to deliver a “proportional response” against the Jihadist terrorists who want to bring American to her knees in the name of Sharia Law.






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alarming intelligence

A startling discovery sets the Greyson Administration on its heels and forces a re-evaluation of why America was attacked.








President Greyson seeks out the opinion of Supreme Court of the United States in a move that is calculated to shore up shaky American public opinion in the face of several successful attacks against U.S. centers of power and influence.  But can he?






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state of the union

Congress is consulted yet again in a State of the Union address unlike any delivered since Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “Day of Infamy” speech in 1941.







long bridge park

As the President completes his first 100 days in office, and the war on Jihadist terror is taking a turn in our favor, a train is detected to have a nuclear bomb on board as it races from Richmond to Washington.  Is another attack imminent?





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The "Watchman Waketh" speech President John F. Kennedy was to have delivered at the Trade Mart in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, is reproduced here courtesy of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum in Boston, Massachusetts.






Research notes for elements of the book are noted in this section.







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