Martin Hutson's Story


The audio tracks below were recorded by Martin with family members in the Summer of 1970 shortly before he passed away.

The audio is copyright protected by (c) 2018 Rescuing Nicholas: The Secret Mission to Save the Tsar and all rights are reserved.

Research, education, news and academic use is permitted with attribution to Rescuing Nicholas:  The Secret Mission to Save the Tsar.

Our hope is that future researchers can learn more about the Imperial family's ultimate fate.

Commercial and all other use is strictly prohibited without the expressed written permission of the author.

Martin V. Hutson's full mission account is available in six (6) tracks.






The Eyewitness Over the Years


003 Fred, George & Martin Hutson - aprox. 1906.JPG
009 Martin V. Hutson 1919.JPG
004 Martin Van Hutson I aprox. June 1920.jpg

CIRCA 1906

George, Martin & Fred Hutson


Army Private First Class Martin V. Hutson


Civilian Army Veteran Martin Hutson

0010 Martin Hutson 1950's.jpg
001 Martin.JPG
005 Martin Van Hutson August 1968.JPG

CIRCA 1940s

Martin, The Young Businessman

CIRCA 1950s

Martin Aging Gracefully

CIRCA 1960s

Martin As When He Told the Story