Ancillary Services - Philanthropy


Ancillary Services - Philanthropy


Principals from our firm are available to discuss your ancillary services needs and strategies for working with your most-valued clients on their philanthropy needs.

One-on-One Ancillary Services consulting for philanthropy cases is conducted by phone at an appointed hour. 

The fee is paid one time per subject, which entitles our client to two (2) sessions about intelligent philanthropy. 

Session #1, which discusses the selected topic in detail, is conducted over a 90-minute phone call. 

Session #2, which is designed to follow-up on the first session call, is conducted over a 30-minute phone call.

Follow-up assessments and recommendations, typically two-to-five (2-5) pages in length, are provided in writing within 72 hours of the consulting session.

No contracts are required.  Multiple session discounts are available upon request. If your firm chooses to pay for a full year of services (month-to-month payment preferred for mutual accountability) then these services are exclusive to your firm for your state in the philanthropy category.

Email us, please, if you have questions. 

We're here to explain and help!

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