Principal Gifts & Signature Naming Opportunities
Principal Gifts are large cash donations in excess of $5 million. These donations are relationship-centered gifts that sustain over a significant period of time and often require experienced collaboration between a charitable organization and a donor's trusted advisory team. Principal gifts are frequently transformational to both the donor and the charitable beneficiary. They also greatly reduce a charitable organization's cost-to-raise-a-dollar ratios and satisfy many of the tax consequences a donor generally requires.
Program Related Investments
PRIs have been around since the days of Ben Franklin are well-nuanced in federal tax code. These investments are low-interest loans by a donor to a qualified charitable venture when properly structured. PRIs are powerful funding tools for programs that are not readily able to access private capital or governmental funding in highly competitive financial markets. A donor might be able to recapture the gift over time and in turn use the principal and interest for another charitable purpose at a later date.
Social Impact Funds
SIFs are a relatively new field in philanthropy that are greatly benefitting broader social needs in charitable sectors that are high-priority needs. They help both private and public investors address a wide range of high-priority social programs while also realizing a more tax-favorable and possibly greater risk-mitigated return on that investment.
Virtual Planned Giving, Trusts & Endowments
You can outsource your planned giving, endowment and/or trust administration services to our team, which will help you have the expertise your need to offer these philanthropically critical services to your donors and stakeholders without the tremendously high costs-to-raise-a-dollar ratios such services demand of traditional charitable ventures. Best practices and sophisticated philanthropy no longer have to be prohibitively high-cost to discerning charitable organizations.
Leveraged Traditional Fundraising
Our team can take an average direct mail program, or special event, or major gift effort, and turn it into something extraordinary. We have made $15 membership donations add up to tens of millions of dollars. We have turned typically-costly special events into extraordinary fundraising opportunities. Just tell us what you need to do and we can give you options for doing the same yourself!
In addition to these key offerings, our preeminent philanthropy program also provides individual and organizational assistance to family offices, private family and community foundations, strategic planning, and very special special events.
Cannon & Caius LLC and Generosity Exchange do not accept unsolicited proposals for funding.
Recommended Philanthropic Platforms
a Ben franklin pri
Program Related Investments, or PRIs, have been around since the days of Ben Franklin and was a philanthropic tool he preferred when managing his own generosity. We like PRIs because federal regulators have made very clear and specific when you can and cannot use this generosity platform. They have taken the guess work out of planning and, thus, our preference for using this tool when structuring public-private partnerships in particular. PRIs are, in essence, low interest philanthropic loans that are very powerful instruments for family offices and private family foundations, in particular.
principal gifts
Principal Gifts, from our perspective, are generally $5 million or greater, and traditionally recognized through perpetual signature naming opportunities for the donor and donor family. Typically in cash form, Principal Gifts, do often require coordination with a donor's trusted advisors in order that these gifts are structured in the most optimized manner.
Family office
We have a team of experts available to help you use this intriguing platform should your estate needs require. Family Offices, whether yours or ours, provide wonderful benefits to wealthy households, especially those wanting to do great social good through the wisely leveraged use of both their private and public portfolios. Thanks to heavy regulation and industry best practices, Family Offices, can attend to the every need of a family, as well as future generations of that family long after the first generation has set the standard for their generosity.
The Generosity Exchange is the proprietary tool that we use to blend all of a client's philanthropic needs into one useful, trackable, measurable platform. These services are specific to each person we serve and they are highly strategic and transformational in nature. Generosity practiced wisely!